IM 701430-51E
Setting the Trigger Conditions
The CAN Bus signal analysis function uses a dedicated trigger for acquiring waveforms.
Setting the Trigger Pattern
Setting the Bit Rate
Select the CAN Bus transfer rate.
Selectable values: 1 M, 500 k, 250 k, 125 k, 100k, 83,3 k, 50 k, and 33.3 kbps
Setting the Sample Point
Specify the sample point within the bit time.
Selectable values: 18.8, 21.9, 25.0, 28.1, 31.3, 34.4, 37.5, 40.6, 43.8, 46.9, 50.0, 53.1,
56.3, 59.4, 62.5, 65.5, 68.8, 71.9, 75.0, 78.1, 81.3, 84.4, 87.5, and
90.6 (%)
Setting the Message Format
Std: Standard format
Ext: Extended format
Setting Vdiff
Select the connection method of the differential probe. See section 1, “Connecting the
Select Vdiff from the following two types. In either case, the logical value is recessive =
1 and dominant = 0.
CAN_L–CAN_H: The recessive electric potential is set higher than the dominant
electric potential.
CAN_H–CAN_L: The dominant electric potential is set higher than the recessive
electric potential.
The bit rate, sample point, and Vdiff settings are synchronized with the analysis menu
(section 4, “Analyzing and Searching”).
Setting the Pattern Format
Set the format of the Identifier field and the Data field.
Hex: Hexadecimal
Bin: Binary