IM 04L51B01-02EN
Basic Operation
Turning the Power On and Off
To make panel door lock for GX10/GX20
or install the GP/GX60 systems in a
panel with a door or in a location where
operator or any third person can not
operate the power switch carelessly.
When the power switch of GX/GP
systems under operation (control in
progress) be turned on or off carelessly
, it may result the system down or injury.
Be careful to operate the power switch
on or off.
Careless operations can be avoided by
applying the slide lock.
Turning the Power On
Check the following points before
turning on the power switch.
• The power cord or wires are connect
ed properly to the GX/GP and GX60.
• The GX/GP is connected to the correct
power supply.
If the input wiring is connected in
parallel with another instrument, do not
turn on or off the GX/GP/GX60 or other
instrument during operation. If you do,
measured values may be affected.
Open the front door.
Turn on the power switch.
A self-test takes place for a few seconds, and then
the operation screen appears.
Power switch
Close the front door.
Turn on the power switch.
Power switch
• If nothing appears on the display even
when you turn on the power switch,
turn off the power switch, and check
the wiring and supply voltage. If, after
checking these items, the GX/GP still
fails to start when you turn on the
power switch, it may be malfunction-
ing. Contact your nearest Yokogawa
dealer for repairs.
• If an error message appears on the
screen, take measures according to
the information in chapter 5, “Trouble-
shooting” in the GX/GP User’s Manu-
• After you turn on the power switch, al
low the GX/GP to warm up for at least
30 minutes before starting a measure-
Turning the Power Off
Check the following points before
turning off the power switch.
• The external storage medium is not
being accessed (the yellow-green LED
is not blinking).
Open the front door.
Turn off the power switch.
Close the front door.
Turn off the power switch.
This section explains the details indicated as “Basic Operation” in the operating procedure on pages 20 and 21.
Power Specialties, Inc. | www.powerspecialties.com | (816) 353-6550