IM 703155-01E
Loading Waveform Data to the Waveform Memory
Before carrying out the procedures in this section, you must configure the network
parameters of the VB8300 so that the VB8300 internal hard disk can be accessed from
the PC. For details on the network configuration, see sections 11.1, 11.2, and 11.4.
Uploading Waveform Data
To load waveform data to the waveform memory on the VB8300, the waveform data
must be uploaded from the PC to the VB8300 internal hard disk. On the VB8300 internal
hard disk is the public folder.* Upload the waveform data from the PC to this folder.
The public folder corresponds to the top directory of the VB8300 internal hard disk. It does not
appear on the file operation screens on the VB8300.
Loading Waveform Data to the Waveform Memory
To load waveform data from the VB8300 internal hard disk to the waveform memory, set
the directory to the VB8300 internal hard disk (show “/” in the Selection box) and then
select the waveform data file.
Loadable Data Formats
The data in the following formats can be loaded.
• Sequence list file (.seq extension)
• Waveform data file
Raw data (.raw extension)
ASCII data (.csv extension)
Binary data (.bin extension)
When uploading waveform data or loading data to the waveform memory, the loading process
is faster using raw data because the data size is smaller.
If the ASCII data does not contain RMS values or information about the number of points, the
loading process may take longer than 10 minutes.
The sequence list file contains the path and name of the waveform data files. It does not
contain the actual waveform data. If the waveform data files do not exist at the registered
path destination (relative path), an error occurs when the sequence list file is loaded.
4.1 Loading Waveform Data Using the Network