IM 04P02B01-01E
12.3 Recording Function Specifications
Trend Recording (Pen Model)
Recording pen
Disposable felt pen
Step response time
Approx. 1 s (using the IEC61143 measurement method)
Number of pens
Up to 4
Recording color
Pen 1: Red, pen 2: Green, pen 3: Blue, pen 4: Violet
Trend recording
Updates the data at the scan interval. Continuous recording.
Pen offset compensation
Records by compensating for the offset of each pen along the time axis.
Chart speed
5 to 12000 mm/h (82 steps).
Zone recording
Recording zone can be specified for each channel.
Recording width: 5 mm or more (1 mm steps)
Partial expanded recording Records by expanding the right or left side of the boundary position (the other section is reduced).
Boundary position: 1 to 99%
Boundary value: Within the recording span range
Trend Recording (Dot Model)
Recording method
Trend recording by a 6-color wire dot printer
Recording color
Purple, Red, Green, Blue, Brown, Black
Trend recording interval
Records at the following interval through a raster scan system.
Synchronizes to the chart speed and automatically sets to the interval
10 s/6 channels, 15 s/12 channels, 20 s/18 channels, 30 s/24 channels
Chart speed
1 to 1500 mm/h (1 mm steps)
Recording ON/OFF
Recording can be turned ON/OFF for each channel.
Zone recording
Same as the pen model.
Partial expanded recording Same as the pen model.
Chart Paper
Printing width
180 mm
Type/Length Z-fold type. Approx.
Chart paper feeding accuracy
0.1% After feeding 1000 mm and with respect to the print scale on the chart paper.