About YoLink Control
YoLink Control is our unique device-to-device control technology. Using YoLink Control, YoLink
devices can be controlled without the Hub or an internet connec on. (Use of YoLink Control is
op onal; you can use the Automa on feature in the app OR use YoLink Control, but YoLink
Control offers the benefit of opera on without the Hub or internet connec on.)
One device controls another, directly. A device that sends out commands is called the controller. A
device that receives the commands is called the responder. Examples of a controller are a Door
Sensor or Smart Power Strip, while examples of a responder are another Smart Power Strip or a
YoLink Plug Mini
To configure your
as a controller, turn the power strip into all on status
Smart Power Strip
(verify the power status LED of all plugs and USB ports are red). Press and hold the
POWER bu on for 5-10 seconds un l the LED quickly blinks blue
Upon pairing, the LED will stop blinking (this may happen a er only blinking two or three mes)
To configure a
as the responder
n on the plug using
YoLink Plug Mini
. Tur
POWER bu on or
via YoLink app
(verify the Status LED of YoLink Plug
displays blue). Press and hold the
POWER bu on for 5-10 seconds un l the LED quickly blinks blue