Step 2
First, connect the communication wires in upright post(R) with the communication wires on base
frame. Then insert the upright posts into the clamp rings on both sides of the main frame Match with
screw holes. Please be careful not to break the communication wire in the upright posts. Use 4
M8*35*20 hex half tooth bolts and 2 M8*10 hex full tooth bolts to lock both upright posts with the clamp
rings on both sides of the main frame (please align the upright posts to prevent from deviating).
Step 3
As shown in the figure, lay the console on top of the upright posts. Connect the console frame with
communication wires in upright post(R). Connect 3 wires (the handle pulse communication wires in left
and right upright post and upright post communication wire in left upright post) respectively with 3
communication wires on console. Assemble screws of console frame through the hole of handle bar
Connect communication
wire first
wires on both
sides should be
Cross groove self-tapping
screws ST4*16
Cross groove self-tapping
screws ST4*30