MODEL# 2SD04700124
Step 1:
Remove the clear cover of
the smoke detector.
Step 2:
Insert 12” extension tube
in the inlet tube of the
smoke detector.
Step 3:
Place the sampling tub
f i l t e r s i n t o b o t h t h e
exhaust tube and the inlet
Step 4:
Insert red tube plug into
the end of sampling tube.
Step 5:
Attach ½” liquid tight
fittings on to both ends of
the liquid tight flex. Slide
“A” over flex and then
insert “B” by screwing into
flex. Take “C” place over
“B” then tighten “A” until
fitting is secure.
Step 6:
Insert 23” sampling tube
into side of return air
Step 7:
Secure sampling tube
w i t h f o u r 1 0 - 1 6 x ½ ”
screws provided. Make
sure the air holes of the
s a m p l i n g t u b e f a c e
towards the airflow.
Step 8:
Cut the aluminum tape
that covers the holes for
sampling tubes of the
smoke detector. Insert
sampling tubes of the
smoke detector in the
holes of return damper
then secure with 10-16 x 1
½” screw provided.
Step 9:
Take the Liquid tight flex
with fittings and attach to
the 23” sampling tube and
12” extention tube.