FORM 155.21-O1 (615)
• Purge trending
• Post purge "Oil Clean-up"
The logic to control the YIA auto-purge is ONLY avail
able on units equipped with an OptiView Control Panel.
Therefore there can be NO retrofitting of an auto-purge
system on older units unless it is equipped with an
OptiView Control Panel.
Min. Access
Level Req'd.
The YIA purge system will collect any non-condensables
in the absorber section and store them in a unit mounted
purge tank. At a predetermined purge tank pressure, the
non-condensables will be expelled to the atmosphere by
a unit mounted purge pump. The YIA auto-purge will
also monitor, record and trend the amount of purges in
any given time.
Manual Purge
It may be necessary to manually purge the unit mounted
purge tank. The manual mode allows the operator to
perform this function. The manual purge can be per-
formed from the OptiView control panel independent
of unit operation. The pump can be turned on in either
the Operator or Service modes.
Before initiating a manual purge, VP2
must be opened and VP4 closed.
From the HOME screen select the PURGE key to
navigate to the Purge Screen. Select MAN/AUTO so the
purge field box displays "MANUAL". Press the "ON"
key and the purge pump will operate for 2 to 20 minutes
depending on the duration of the Purge Warm-up setpoint
(default is 2 minutes). If the purge pump was operated
in the past 50 minutes, the purge warm-up will be 2
minutes. Purge pump solenoid valve (8SOL) and purge
tank solenoid valve (7SOL) will be closed at this time.
After the pre-programmed purge warm-up period has
timed out the purge pump solenoid valve (8SOL) will
begin to open and a 1 minute timer will initiate. After the
1 minute timeout, the pressure at purge pump pressure
transducer (PT3) must be equal to or less than 15mm
Hg Abs. If not, the purge pump will continue to run for
an additional minute. If during this additional minute,
the pressure at PT3 reaches 15mm Hg Abs or less, purge
tank solenoid (7SOL) will open. If not, purge pump
solenoid valve (8SOL) will close and the purge pump
continues to run for 65 seconds. This allows time for
purge pump solenoid valve (8SOL) to fully close. The
panel will display a warning message that is further
explained in the Messages Section of this manual.
During the 65 second pump shut-off
delay, manual turn OFF of the purge
pump is prevented.
If at anytime during the manual purge process, the purge
pump pressure at PT3 or purge tank pressure (PT4)
reaches 100mm Hg Abs or higher, both the purge pump
solenoid valve (8SOL) and purge tank solenoid valve
(7SOL) will close. The purge pump will run for another
65 seconds then shutdown and the panel will display a
warning message that is further explained in the Mes-
sages Section of this manual.
Once purge tank solenoid valve (7SOL) is opened,
non-condensables stored in the Purge Tank will be
expelled to the Atmosphere by the Purge Pump. The
OptiView logic monitors this process and if a decrease
in pressure at the Purge Tank (PT4) is NOT seen every
6 seconds, the panel will initiate a purge failure.
A warning message will be displayed (further explained
in the Message Section of this manual) and both Purge
Tank Solenoid Valve (7SOL) and the Purge Pump
Motorized Ball Valve (8SOL) will close and the Purge
Pump will run for an additional 65 seconds before shut
ting off.
The Manual Purge will continue until Purge Tank Trans
ducer (PT4) reads 20mmHg Abs. At that time the manual
purge will initiate a normal shutdown by closing Purge
Tank Solenoid (7SOL) and Purge Pump motorized Ball
Valve (8SOL). The Purge Pump will continue to operate
for a post purge oil clean-up for 10 minutes.
After the manual purging is finished, press the "PURGE
PUMP" key to activate purge pump field then press
the "OFF" key to shut off the pump. The pump will
continue to run for an additional 10 minutes for a post
purge clean-up.