X~: the receptionist that is identified by one of the following numbers. (Default= empty)
0~8999= internal phone numbers.
9900~9989= mailboxes 9900~9989 - the phone number of the receptionist is the Special
External Phone number that is stored in the VM_6 of the mailbox specified.
9999= using the mutual mailbox to allow callers to leave a message
*001~*008= *001 Hunt Group ~ *008 Hunt Group
ADM_6_[81]_[9902], MB9902-VM_6_[55553901]:
Callers can transfer to Special External Phone 55553901 by dialing 0 from menu 81.
ADM_7: Holiday Schedule
You can specify up to sixty-four dates of holidays in the year.
YY: 01~64= Index numbers of entries
MO= Month (01~12), DD= Day (01~31)
A holiday is from 00:00 to 23:59.
ADM_8: Mailbox Capacity/Language Administration
N~: the mailbox to be programmed
0~9999= mailbox numbers
XX: the Mailbox Capacity
01= the mailbox is a Bulletin Board mailbox
10~99= the maximum number of messages that the mailbox can store
L: the language that the mailbox owner uses.
1= 1
language, 2= 2
XXL: 000= to delete the mailbox
If the Mailbox Capacity / Language of a mailbox is reset, the archived messages callers left will
be deleted; the mailbox password will be changed into “0000”.
determines the maximum length of a message recorded by a caller.
ADM_9: Mailbox Group Lists for Message Distribution
A total of eight Mailbox Group lists can be created. Normally, each list can specify up to fifteen
mailbox numbers, but if the sixteenth mailbox number is specified in a list, it connects the list to
the next list. For example, if Mailbox Group List 1 has sixteen mailbox numbers and Mailbox
Group List 2 has two mailbox numbers, the list number '1' is used to identify all the eighteen
mailbox numbers; the list number '2' is used to identify the two mailbox numbers specified in
Mailbox Group List 2.
Y: 1~8= list numbers