5.2 Run Missions in the UVC
You will need to connect to the vehicle via WiFi connection and Windows® Remote Desktop before you can
access the UVC. Please refer to Section 4.1 to learn how to establish a wireless connection with the vehicle.
The UVC is your primary interface with the EcoMapper. You plan missions in VectorMap and execute them in the
UVC. The UVC takes the raw text files VectorMap produces and uses them to operate the vehicle according to the
programmed settings. However, the UVC allows for much more than just data retrieval; it provides a window into the
vehicle’s inner workings and allows you to be a little more hands-on.
The UVC can only be accessed through Remote Desktop (prior sections cover WiFi and Remote Desktop connections).
Once you are in Remote Desktop, you operate the UVC just like you would a regular computer. Double-click the UVC
icon to open the program. You may determine each function in the main UVC window by hovering the pointer over
the icon; click each icon to perform its respective function or open its associated window.
The following sections will outline each main function of the UVC and explain how to adjust settings.
You will find step-by-step instructions to launch the AUV in Chapter 4.
5.21 Run Mission
The ‘Run Mission’ function is designated by the green arrow. The sole purpose of this icon is to launch the vehicle on its
mission. Once you click the arrow, you can only stop the mission by clicking the ‘Stop Mission’ icon within WiFi range.
Always be 100% sure that your mission is programmed exactly how you want it and that the vehicle will be able to
successfully navigate to its first waypoint once you engage the mission. Once you start the mission, the vehicle will
obtain GPS coordinates and drive straight towards its first WP, despite obstructions. Be sure the first WP is within line
of sight and, if you are in a boat, that you give the vehicle sufficient room to turn.
Step-by step instructions on vehicle launch provided in Chapter 4.
5.22 Stop Mission
The ‘Stop Mission’ function is designated by a white ‘X’ in a red circle. Use this function to cancel the AUV’s mission
when in WiFi range if you realize a potential mission hazard at launch or to stop the vehicle once it reaches its final
Step-by step instructions on vehicle launch provided in Chapter 4.
5.23 Load Mission
The ‘Load Mission’ function is designated by an icon of a floppy disk and disk drive. You will use this function to
upload missions from the vehicle’s computer onto the UVC. Once you load the mission and perform the pre-launch
check, the vehicle will be ready to launch. You will load mission files directly from the onboard computer ‘Mission’
folder. After opening Remote Desktop, files are transferred into this folder from your laptop. Refer to section 4.2 for
instructions on transferring mission files into the ‘Mission’ folder.
You may confirm that you successfully loaded a mission when the UVC main window displays the name and
information of the mission you wish to execute.
Double-clicking the ‘Load Mission’ icon will display the ‘Load Mission…’ window. This window automatically displays
the vehicle onboard computer’s ‘Mission’ folder from which you will select a mission to execute.
Step-by step instructions on vehicle launch provided in Chapter 4.