The ORP sensor is integrated into the 6569 pH/ORP probe. You must have this probe to measure ORP and it
cannot be measured if you are using the 6579 pH sensor.
ALWAYS ensure that the temperature sensor is completely submerged during all calibrations. Failure to
submerge the sensor can result in false calibrations. And, ALWAYS allow time for the temperature of the standard and
the sensor to equilibrate.
YSI recommends using Zobell solution to calibrate the ORP sensor. If you cannot use Zobell, use another
solution of known oxidation reduction potential value. ORP calibration is a 1-point procedure. Ensure that the sensor
is activated and the sonde is reporting all necessary values under the ‘Sensor’ and ‘Report’ menus.
1. Rinse with water and pre-rinse with calibration solution.
2. Open the ‘Calibrate’ menu.
3. Select ‘ISE 2 ORP.’
4. The screen will prompt you to enter the value of your standard. If you use Zobell solution, enter the correct
temperature correction found on the bottle. The number in parentheses (on screen) is the value of the last
solution used to calibrate ORP. Press ‘Enter’ to use this value, or input the correct value and press ‘Enter.’
5. Observe the value of all measured conditions. Once the signal has stabilized for approximately 30 seconds,
press ‘Enter’ to accept the calibration.
6. Drain the standard from the cal cup and rinse with water.