2-Point BGA-PC Calibration Using Pre-determined cells/mL Solution
Ensure that the sensor is activated and the sonde is reporting all necessary values under the ‘Sensor’ and ‘Report’
1. Rinse with deionized or distilled water, then completely fill the cal cup with pure water.
2. Open the ‘Calibrate’ menu.
3. Select ‘BGA-PC cells/mL.’
4. Select ‘2-Point.’
5. The screen will prompt you to enter the value of your standard. Input ‘0’ and press ‘Enter.’
6. Observe the value of all measured conditions. Once the signal has stabilized for approximately 30 seconds,
press ‘Enter’ to accept the calibration.
7. Drain the standard from the cal cup and rinse with water.
8. Fill the cal cup with the solution containing a pre-determined amount of PC-containing cells.
9. The screen will prompt you to enter the value of your standard in cells/mL. Input the determined value of
your solution and press ‘Enter.’
10. Observe the value of all measured conditions. When they have stabilized for approximately 30 seconds, press
‘Enter’ to accept the calibration.
11. Drain the standard from the cal cup and rinse with water.
The only way to be sure of your BGA-PC sensor’s accuracy is to calibrate using a known suspension of
PC-containing BGA cells, or to post-calibrate the sensor in a spreadsheet using obtained sensor data and data
obtained in laboratory analysis from a grab sample. The 2-point calibration with dye is recommended for use
primarily as an indicator of sensor drift. For this reason, YSI does not provide an accuracy specification for this