7.1 YSI Sensor Maintenance and Storage
7.11 YSI Sensor Array
Although low-maintenance, YSI sensors should be serviced periodically. The easiest time to service the sensors is
when you calibrate the instrument. However, if a sensor (or sensors) begins to give suspected faulty readings, you
should service the sensor(s). Do not attempt to service the sensors in any manner other than listed in the following
sections or other YSI literature. For additional information on YSI sensor maintenance and principles of operation,
refer to the YSI 6-Series Multiparameter Water Quality Sondes User Manual available online at www.ysi.com.
7.12 Short-Term Storage
YSI defines short-term storage as 4 weeks or less. To keep your sensors functioning properly, pour approximately
1 cm of water (distilled, deionized, or tap) into the storage/cal cup. Do not submerge any of the sensors, but leave
enough to keep the air saturated with water. Make sure that the cup is tightly sealed to the vehicle to prevent
evaporation. Check the cup’s water level periodically to ensure that the water is not leaking or evaporating.
When possible, guard the ROX Optic DO from direct sunlight to prevent photo-bleaching.