3.43 Tips for Navigation
Remember, once the vehicle begins its mission and is out of WiFi range, it is completely autonomous; the mission
cannot be stopped or altered unless the user can reestablish a WiFi connection.
• Begin and end the vehicle’s mission within WiFi range for simple retrieval.
• Remember that the vehicle will behave based on the programming of its next assigned waypoint. For
example, if ‘WP 32’ is programmed at 4 knots and 3 feet Depth from Surface and the vehicle is at the surface
at ‘WP 31,’ as soon as the AUV passes ‘WP 31’ it will dive and travel the line at 4 knots and 3 feet in order to
arrive at ‘WP 32’ at its programmed settings.
• Allocate extra waypoints and edit them accordingly at sharp turns where the vehicle will surface and then
submerge again. If you program a vehicle to travel a long line perpendicular to the shore, but you want it to
surface at the end of the line to reacquire a GPS fix, take these steps to ensure accurate arrival.
-At the end of a long line before a sharp turn, add an extra WP with the settings you wish to fly that line.
-Immediately after that WP, in the same straight line, program the vehicle to surface to make the turn.
-Add an extra WP in the turn for the vehicle to turn towards before it dives in the next line of the grid.
-Repeat this process in each sharp grid turn to optimize the vehicle’s flight pattern.
-The end result of this process should have three WPs in sharp turns.
*The first (receiving) WP at the average survey level.
*The second (middle) WP at the surface for a GPS fix.
*The third (sending) WP in line with the far WP at the average survey level.
• Try to check areas of potential obstructions such as bridges. A quick visual check of piling locations betters
your odds of missing them and similar obstructions.
• If you operate the AUV in a busy watercraft traffic area, try to conduct surveys when traffic will be lower.
• Although the AUV navigates very efficiently underwater, it is prudent to have the vehicle surface occasionally
to acquire a GPS fix for optimal performance. This should be considered especially when the survey is in an
area with any significant current.
• The AUV can only be successful in environments that fall within its performance range; do not program the
vehicle to travel upstream in a current faster than 4 knots.
3.44 Waypoint Information
You may view statistical information on a specific WP at any time during mission planning and execution.
WP: Box displays which WP number’s information is being displayed (can be
changed by clicking the black arrow for a dropdown menu).
• Lat: Exact latitude of WP.
• Long: Exact longitude of WP.
• Time: Estimation of how long it will take the vehicle to reach the WP
• Dist: How far the vehicle has traveled when it reaches the WP.
• Power: How much energy is expended to reach the WP from the previous
When the vehicle is on a mission, the information does not stream live but is an estimate of vehicle statistics.
The information will remain the same throughout mission execution even if the vehicle deviates from the planned