6.2 Calibrate the YSI Sensor Suite
Once you have prepared the EcoMapper for calibration and accessed the YSI sensor software interface via
hyperterminal, you may proceed to calibrate. Always calibrate conductivity/temperature first; all other calibrations rely
on accurate readings from this sensor to correct for temperature during calibration.
6.21 Calibration General Procedures
The sensor interface software is a menu driven system.
Follow the instructions shown at the bottom of the menu to proceed throughout the calibration process. Many options
on the screen will not be used. The menu is incorporated into sonde firmware, and you will only need to access the
calibration portions.
• To select options, enter the appropriate number or letter; you do not need to press ‘Enter.’
• To select or deselect items in a list, enter the appropriate number or letter.
• To return to the previous menu, enter ‘0’ (zero) or ‘Esc’ (escape).
Before you begin the calibration process, ensure that all parameters you wish to measure are displayed and sensors are
active by entering ‘6’ in the ‘Main’ menu.
1. Ensure that all desired values will be displayed during calibration. Selected values are designated by an *
2. Press ‘0’ to return to the ‘Main’ menu.
3. Press ‘7’ (Sensor).
4. Ensure that all desired sensors are enabled. Enabled sensors are designated by an * (asterisk).
In order to calibrate most YSI sensors, the process will remain the same.
1. Fill the calibration cup with fresh water (tap water is fine) and release the water through the drain, or run
water over the sensors directly (without the cal cup installed.)
2. Pre-rinse the sensor suite with the calibration standard. Use just enough to wash the cal cup and sensors
entirely. Drain the standard when finished (you may want to save the used standard for future pre-rinsing.).
3. With the funnel, fill the calibration cup with the recommended amount of calibration standard.
ALWAYS ensure that the temperature sensor is completely submerged during all calibrations. Failure to
submerge the sensor can result in false calibrations. And, ALWAYS allow sufficient time for the temperature of the
standard and the sensor to equilibrate.
Calibration Standards and Amounts
Amount Needed
Size of Cal Cup
Conductivity 1,000 µS/cm
450 mL
Conductivity 10,000 µS/cm
450 mL
Conductivity 50,000 µS/cm
450 mL
pH Buffer 4
450 mL
pH Buffer 7
450 mL
pH Buffer 10
450 mL
Turbidity 0.0 (tap water)
750 mL
Large w/ black bottom
Turbidity 123
750 mL
Large w/ black bottom
Chlorophyll 0.0 (tap water)
750 mL
Large w/ black bottom
Chlorophyll Solution
750 mL
Large w/ black bottom
BGA 0.0 (tap water)
750 mL
Large w/ black bottom
BGA Solution
750 mL
Large w/ black bottom
Rhodamine Solution
750 mL
Large w/ black bottom
Optical DO (tap water)
100 mL
Large w/ black bottom