14 Reflection and diffuse radiation
Avoid exposing eyes and skin to mirror reflection and diffuse radiation. In the maintenance mode, the
maintenance personnel are required to wear laser-proof glasses, and the laser-proof glasses should satisfy the
requirements as pe
r EU standard EN207A1:2002
Version of glasseswearing Standard design
Figure 2-1: Picture of laser-proof glasses
Wavelength of CO2 laser device of this class is 10.6 micron and light density is 4+;
You are recommended to use SD-5 type of protective glasses made by Shield Company.
You are prohibited to directly watch strong light and laser even with laser-proof glasses on;
Laser-proof glasses are made from high polymer material, and dipping into organic solvent or cleaning with
it are prohibited;
It is a must to replace the laser-proof glasses at the expiration.
High voltage risk
Laser module (laser power supply and its high voltage line) will generate high voltage at 20,000V. There is the risk
of electric shock.
High voltage 20,000V!
The voltage over 50V and the current over 20mA are with the risk of danger and may cause death. Only the
maintenance personnel from the manufacturer are permitted to perform operation on the inner parts.
Risk of electric shock
While operating electric equipment or device, mis-operation or neglect during operation may possibly cause
serious hurt or human body or even death;
Technicians with related qualifications are required for operating the electric equipment or device or perform
operation under their supervision.