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After you have used the CRUZER for a week or two, the wheels will need to bechecked to ensure they 

are still in perfect working order. To do so, rotate the wheels and  check the bearings for any lubrication 
or adjustment that may be needed.


The hardness of the rear truck may be adjusted by tightening or loosening the 13mm nut. This adjusts 

the truck’s pre-load and will affect turning sensitivity. Heavier riders may also wish to adjust pre-load to 
increase board stability.


Please do not use solvents on your CRUZER. They may erode the PU bushing and wheels and can also 

damage the deck. To clean your CRUZER, only use hot soapy water and a stiff brush or sponge. Do not 
submerge the wheel  bearings in water as this may remove wheel bearing lubricant.


 Do not leave your CRUZER outdoors for long periods of time as continued exposure  to the elements 

can cause the components to degrade.


 Periodically check that all of the nuts, bolts and screws are adequately tightened and have not loos-

ened during use. Do not over-tighten.


 Periodically lubricate the wheel bearings.


 Due to normal wear and tear the PU wheels and bearings may need to be replaced 

after some time. Please contact the place of purchase for new wheels. DO NOT use parts designed for 
other products, the use of anything other than CRUZER parts may affect your safety.


 The self-locking nuts and other self-locking elements can lose their effectiveness if released.


 Check that the steering mechanism is correctly adjusted and that the connective components are firmly 

secured and not broken.


 Ensure bearings are well-greased and free from dirt/debris before use.


 Wheels/cushions wear over time due to normal use. Replace when necessary.


 The hardness of the rear truck may be adjusted by tightening or loosening the nut. This adjusts the 

truck’s pre-load and will affect turning sensitivity. Heavier riders may also wish to adjust pre-load to 
increase board stability.


 Remove any sharp edges that may occur through use.


Look for splinters/cracks in the deck and replace when needed.



Please read this manual carefully and keep it for future reference. The dealer will not take 

responsibility if the skateboard is used in a manner for which is was not intended or if all warnings which 
are stated in the manual are not followed.


This manual contains important information relating to your child’s safety, it is your responsibility to 
review this information with your child and make sure they are fully aware of all the information and 
warnings within the manual. Please carefully read this manual before you start using the CRUZER and 
review this information with young riders before they ride.

Summary of Contents for Neon Cruzer Series

Page 1: ......

Page 2: ...liance with all relevant safety standards 2016 B Yvolve Sports Ltd All rights reserved Manufacturer Zhong Shan City Wanhao Sports Products Co Ltd He Sui Division Company Address Hesui Industrial Zone...

Page 3: ......

Page 4: ...ders starting to learn need to try with a friend or parent Most bad accidents happen in the first month Before you jump off a skateboard watch where it may go it could injure someone else Join a club...

Page 5: ...designed for other products the use of anything other than CRUZER parts may affect your safety 8 The self locking nuts and other self locking elements can lose their effectiveness if released 9 Check...

Page 6: ...ou can run off the board without falling Take care when stepping or jumping off the CRUZER as the board may have built up momentum and continue travelling forwards which could cause injury to others o...

Page 7: ...wear and tear or any damage failure or loss caused by improper assembly maintenance or storage There are no other expressed or implied warranties This warranty will be void if the product is ever Use...

Page 8: ...nopat n Los patinadores que est n comenzando necesitan hacerlo con la ayuda de un amigo o padre La mayor a de los accidentes ocurren el primer mes Antes de saltar de un monopat n observa d nde puede a...

Page 9: ...ise adas para otros productos el uso de cualquier pieza que no sea espec fica para CRUZER puede afectar a tu seguridad 8 Las tuercas de seguridad y otros elementos de cierre autom tico pueden perder s...

Page 10: ...o no pueda controlar No montes a m s velocidad que la que te permita saltar de la tabla sin caerte Ten cuidado al bajarte del CRUZER ya que la tabla puede haber cobrado impulso y seguir movi ndose hac...

Page 11: ...sta garant a no cubre el desgaste normal ni los da os fallos o p rdidas causadas por un montaje mantenimiento o almacenamiento inadecuados No hay otras garant as expresas o impl citas Esta garant a se...

Page 12: ...nche Les planchistes qui d butent leur apprentissage doivent tre accompagn s d un ou d une ami e ou d un par ent La plupart des accidents graves se produisent au cours du premier mois Avant de sauter...

Page 13: ...8 Les crous et autres l ments autobloquants peuvent perdre leur efficacit s ils sont d viss s ou d tach s 9 V rifiez que le m canisme du guidon est correctement ajust et que les composantes de connexi...

Page 14: la planche sans tomber User de prudence pour descendre ou sauter du CRUZER en mouvement car la planche peut avoir pris de la vitesse et risque de poursuivre sa trajectoire occasionnant des blessur...

Page 15: ...ation pendant une p riode d un an compter de la date d achat Cette garantie ne couvre pas l usure normale les dommag es la d faillance ou la perte caus e par un montage entretien ou entreposage incorr...

Page 16: ...d oder Elternteil ben Die meisten schweren Unf lle pas sieren im ersten Monat Bevor Sie von einem Skateboard abspringen passen Sie auf wohin es rollen k nnte Es k nnte jemand anderen verletzen Treten...

Page 17: ...rd erworben wurde KEINE Teile verwenden die f r andere Produkte vorgesehen sind da hierdurch die Sicherheit des CRUZERs beeintr chtigt werden kann 8 Die selbstschlie enden Muttern und andere selbstsch...

Page 18: ...chnell fahren wie man vom Skateboard abspringen kann ohne hinzufallen Vorsicht beim Absteigen oder Abspringen vom CRUZER um Verletzungen zu vermeiden das Skateboard hat u U noch so viel Schwung dass e...

Page 19: ...ngsm ngel Diese Garantie gilt nicht f r normale Abnutzung und Sch den Produktausfall oder Verlust durch unsachgem e Montage Wartung oder Aufbewahrung Es gelten keine weiteren ausdr cklichen oder still...

Page 20: ...en het eerst proberen met een vriend of ouder De ernstigste ongevallen vinden plaats in de eerste maand Voordat u van een skateboard af valt kijk waar het heengaat het zou iemand anders kunnen verwond...

Page 21: ...UZER onderdelen kan afbreuk doen aan de veiligheid van de gebruiker 8 De zelfborgende moeren en andere zelfborgende elementen kunnen hun effectiviteit verliezen als ze los worden gemaakt 9 Controleer...

Page 22: board af kunt springen zonder te vallen Wees voorzichtig als je op de CRUZER stapt of eraf springt omdat het board wellicht vaart heeft ontwikkeld en verder voorwaarts rolt wat letsel aan anderen o...

Page 23: ...slijtage en geen beschadiging ontregeling of schade veroorzaakt door onjuiste montage onderhoud of opslag Er zijn geen andere uitdrukkelijke of stilzwijgende garanties Deze garantie komt te vervallen...

Page 24: ...come ar a aprender precisam de tentar com um amigo ou famil iar A maioria dos acidentes graves acontece no primeiro m s Antes de saltar de uma prancha veja para onde pode ir pode magoar outra pessoa...

Page 25: ...ilize pe as destinadas a outros produtos pois o uso de pe as que n o sejam de origem CRUZER pode comprometer a sua seguran a 8 Os parafusos de fecho autom tico e outros elementos de fecho autom tico p...

Page 26: ...o Nunca exceda a uma velocidade tal que n o possa saltar do skate em seguran a sem cair Deve ter cuidado ao sair ou saltar do CRUZER pois a plataforma pode continuar com balanco a deslizar e pode caus...

Page 27: ...o cobre o desgaste normal por utiliza o e uso ou qualquer dano falha ou preju zo causado pela montagem indevida manuten o ou armazenamento N o existem quaisquer outras garantias expressas ou impl cita...

Page 28: ...nno iniziando a imparare hanno necessit di provare inizialmente con un amico o un genitore La maggior parte dei peggiori incidenti si verificano nel primo mese Prima di saltare fuori da uno skateboard...

Page 29: ...i l utilizzo di pezzi diversi da quelli previsti per lo CRUZER possono compromettere la propria incolumit 8 I dadi autobloccanti e altri elementi autobloccanti posso perdere la propria efficacia se sg...

Page 30: ...o si salta dallo Shaker sul terreno poich lo skateboard potrebbe essere in fase di accelerazione e continuare ad avanzare ci causerebbe lesioni ad altre persone o alle cose Evitare di praticare lo ska...

Page 31: ...e per 1 anno dalla data di acquisto Questa garanzia non copre la normale usura n eventuali danni guasti o perdite causate da montaggio manutenzione o conservazione impropri Non vengono offerte altre g...

Page 32: ...nauk musz wiczy z przyjacielem b d rodzicem Wi kszo przykrych wypadk w ma miejsce w pierwszym miesi cu Patrz dok d mo e pojecha deskorolka zanim z niej zeskoczysz mo e ona zrobi komu krzywd Do cz do...

Page 33: ...tosowanie cz ci nieprzeznaczonych do desek CRUZER mo e mie wp yw na twoje bezpiecze stwo 8 Nakr tki samohamowne i inne samoblokuj ce si element mog dzia a gorzej je li zwolni si ich blokad 9 Sprawd cz...

Page 34: ...zie w stanie kontrolowa Je dzi wy cznie z pr dko ci pozwalaj c na zeskoczenie z deski bez upadku Zachowa ostro no przy schodzeniu lub zeskakiwaniu z deski poniewa mo e ona nabra rozp du i porusza si d...

Page 35: ...nta u konserwacji lub przechowywania Producent nie udziela adnych innych gwarancji wyra nych lub dorozumianych Niniejsza gwarancja nie obowi zuje w przypadku U ytkowania produktu w celach innych ni re...

Page 36: ...ard kare som r nyb rjare b r ta hj lp av en v n eller f r lder De flesta skador sker under den f rsta m naden Innan du hoppar av en skateboard m ste du titta var den kan hamna den kan skada n gon anna...

Page 37: ...nd ALDRIG delar tillverkade f r andra produkter anv ndning av annat n originaldelar fr n CRUZER kan ventyra din s kerhet 8 De sj lvl sande muttrarna och andra sj lvl sande detaljer kan f rlora sin eff...

Page 38: ...len ver br dan k bara i en s dan hastighet att du kan hoppa av br dan utan att ramla Var f rsiktig n r du kliver p eller hoppar av CRUZER eftersom br dan kan ha f tt upp farten och forts tta rulla fra...

Page 39: ...nte normalt slitage eller n gon annan form av skada fel eller f rlust orsakad av felaktig montering underh ll eller f rvaring Inga andra direkta eller indirekta garantier g ller Garantin g ller inte o...

Page 40: ve seg fram med en venn eller forelder De fleste alvorlige ulykkene skjer den f rste m neden F r du hopper av et skateboard se hvor det kan havne det kan skade noen andre Bli medlem i en klubb i o...

Page 41: ...g beregnet for andre produkter og du m kun bruke ekte Shark deler Hvis ikke kan det p virke sikkerheten din n r du bruker rullebrettet 8 De selvl sende mutterne og andre selvl sende elementer kan mist...

Page 42: ...un ikke kan kontrollere Kj r kun s fort som du kan l pe av brettet uten falle V r forsiktig n r du tr r eller hopper av CRUZER da brettet kan ha stor fart og vil fortsette kj re forover Dette kan igje...

Page 43: ...noen form for skade feil eller tap som er for rsaket av feil montering vedlikehold eller oppbevaring Ingen andre direkte eller indirekte garantier er gjeldende Garantien vil v re ugyldig dersom produ...

Page 44: ...ere der er ved at l re skal pr ve at g re det med en ven eller for lder De fleste slemme skader sker i den f rste m ned F r du springer af et skateboard s v r opm rksom p hvor det kan k re hen det kun...

Page 45: ...egnet til andre produkter Brugen af noget andet end CRUZER dele kan p virke din sikkerhed 8 De selvl sende bolte og andre selvl sende dele kan miste deres effektivitet hvis frigjort 9 Kontroller at st...

Page 46: ...kan kontrolleres L b kun s hurtigt som du kan l be af boardet uden at falde V r forsigtig n r du st r af eller hopper af CRUZER da boardet m ske har opbygget momen tum og forts tter fremad hvilket ka...

Page 47: fejl eller tab for rsaget af ukorrekt samling vedligeholdelse eller opbevaring Der er ingen andre udtrykkelige eller implicitte garantier Denne garanti er ugyldig hvis dette produkt nogensinde brug...

Page 48: ...televan tulee aluksi harjoitella yst v n tai vanhemman kanssa Useimmat pahat onnet tomuudet tapahtuvat ensimm isen kuukauden aikana Ennen kuin hypp t pois laudalta katso minne se saattaa l hte se voi...

Page 49: ...ZERin osien k ytt voi vaikuttaa sen turvallisuuteen 8 Mutterien ja muiden osien kiinnitys voi avattaessa l ysty 9 Varmista ett ohjausmekanismi on asianmukaisesti s detty ja ett yhtenevien osien kiinni...

Page 50: ...lija voi p st kovaan vauhtiin jota h n ei voi hallita Kulje vain niin kovaa ett voit juosta pois laudalta kaatumatta Ole varovainen kun astut tai hypp t pois CRUZERilta koska lauta on voinut saada lis...

Page 51: ...aalia kulumista tai vauriota vikaa tai menetyst joka johtuu v r st kokoamisesta huollosta tai s ilytyksest Muita ilmaistuja tai ep suoria takuita ei ole T m takuu on mit t n jos tuotetta k ytet n muuh...

Page 52: ...CRUZER 1 CRUZER 2 3 CRUZER RU 1 2 3...

Page 53: ...RU CRUZER 1 CRUZER 2 13 3 CRUZER 4 5 6 7 CRUZER 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CRUZER...


Page 55: ...RU 2 CRUZER CRUZER CRUZER 1 Yvolution www yvolution com warranty 44 800 802 1197 support yvolution com...

Page 56: ...CRUZER 1 CRUZER 2 3 CRUZER JP 1 2 3...

Page 57: ...JP CRUZER 1 CRUZER 1 2 2 13mm 3 CRUZER PU CRUZER 4 CRUZER 5 6 PU CRUZER 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CRUZER...

Page 58: ...JP CRUZER 8 CRUZER CRUZER CRUZER kg CRUZER 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 JP...

Page 59: ...JP kg Y Volition Y 0120 111 251 www yvolution com 100790 kg x x cm cm g PU PP Steel x x x...

Page 60: ...upport yvolution com 353 1 5242721 Europe Yvolve Sports Ltd Unit 2 Bow Ln E Dublin 2 Ireland support yvolution com 44 800 802 1197 Yvolution USA 2200 Amapola Court Suite 201 Torrance CA 90501 USA supp...
