Key Ring Controller KFOB2
Quick Start
When in factory default mode a
1 sec. click on any button will trigger the device for 5 sec to
accept inclusions
(red and green LEDs blink slowly).
The device operates in normal control mode or
in management mode.
Pushing all four buttons for 5 sec. turns the device into management
for 10 sec. (green LED blinks slowly). In management mode
Button 1 confirms inclusion or
, button 2 issues a Node Information Frame and wakeup notification.
What is Z-Wave?
This device is equipped with wireless communication
complying with the Z-Wave standard. Z-Wave is
international standard for wireless communication
in smart homes and buildings. It is using the
frequency of
868.42 MHz (EU) or 908 MHz (US)
to realize a very stable
and secure communication between devices of different
origin, type and brand. Each message is reconfirmed (
way communication
) and every mains powered node can
act as a repeater for other nodes (
meshed network
) in
case the receiver is not in direct wireless range of the
between Controllers
and Slaves. Slaves
mitting metered or
measured data or actuators
capable to execute an
action. Controllers are either static mains powered
also referred to as gateways or mobile
battery operated remote controls
. This results in a
number of possible communication patterns within a Z-
Wave network that are partly or completely supported by a
specific device.
1. Controllers control actuators.
2. Actuators report change of status back to controller.
3. Sensors report change of status of measured
values to controller.
4. Sensors directly control actuators.
5. Actuators control other actuators.
6. Remote controls send signals to static controllers to
trigger scenes or other actions.
7. Remote controls control other actuators.
Product description
The Z-Wave.Me Key Fob is a Z-Wave device that can both
control other Z-Wave devices
activate predefined
scenes in an IP gateway
. Although it is controlling other
devices, the KFOB can’t act as Z-Wave network controller
(primary or secondary) and will always need a Z-Wave
network controller to be included into a Z-Wave network.
The device can be used in different modes that are selected
by configuration parameters:
1. Direct Control of associated devices
2. Control of Devices in Proximity
3. Control of all Devices in the Z-Wave network
4. Simple ad enhanced scene configuration
Installation Guidelines
The device comes ready to use with a battery already
installed. For battery change open the device by removing
the three little screws on the backside of the device. Push
out the old battery with a screwdriver. During reassembly,
watch the position of the white rubber and make sure the
silver buttons fit exactly into the nipples of the rubber. The
device offers two different modes:
Operation Mode: This is the mode where the device
is controlling other Z-Wave devices or is activating
scenes. See “Operating the device” for details.
Management Mode: The device is turned into the
management mode by
pushing all four buttons for
5 sec
. A blinking green LED indicates the
management mode. In the management mode the
buttons of the device have different functions. The
modes times out after 10 sec or when a
management action is performed.
Management mode allows the following actions:
Button 1 – Inclusion/Exclusion: See “Behavior with Z-
Wave-Network” for details.
Button 2 - Send Node Information Frame and Wake
up Notification. See “Wakeup Intervals” for further
Button 3 – Reset of the device: See “Reset” for
further details
Button 4 - Association Set: See “Associations” for
further details.
Behavior within the Z-Wave network
On factory default, the device does not belong to any Z-
Wave network. The device needs to join an existing
wireless network to communicate with the devices of this