Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N 8
ST, STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
Find the Z3-DME-03 using ZFinder
Make sure your Windows PC is connected to the same network in which the Z3-DME-03 is connected.
Run the “ZFinder” PC Utility on your Windows PC. The ZFinder window appears. ZFinder does a
scan of the network and lists the location of all Z3 systems connected to the network. In this case,
the Z3-DME-03 appears:
Figure 7 ZFinder with Z3-DME-03 Listed
Click on the Z3-DME-03 entry in the window to select it. This will cause the “Edit Device”, “Open
Device” and “Flash Leds” boxes to activate:
Figure 8 ZFinder with Z3-DME-03 Selected