GP941E 11/01
Ian Strachan
Chairman, IGC GFAC
A. Notes for owners and pilots
B. Notes for Official Observers and NACs
Any Queries to:
Chairman IGC GFAC, Bentworth Hall West, Alton,
Hampshire GU34 5LA, England
Tel: +44 1420 564 195; Fax: +44 1420 563 140;
------------------------- start of Annexes ----------------------------
Annex A to IGC Approval, dated 30 October 2001
To be read together with the main terms of approval to which this is an Annex. It is recommended that a copy
of the approval document including annexes is kept with the equipment concerned, for the use of pilots and
Official Observers.
Pilot's Responsibility. It is the responsibility of the pilot to ensure or to note the following:
Antenna - That the antenna is positioned in order to give sufficient signal strength for IGC purposes. No delibe-
rate attempt must be made to inject data via the antenna, and any abuse of this may lead to a future require-
ment to position antennas out of reach of the flight crew.
Geodetic Datum. Latitudes and longitudes recorded by the FR must be to the WGS84 Geodetic Datum, or the
flight data will be invalid for IGC purposes. This recorder is fixed on the WGS84 Datum. No pilot action is
required except to ensure that other lat/long data such as for start, turn and finish points, is also entered to the
WGS84 Geodetic Datum (IGC rule).
FR installation in the glider. The pilot must ensure that an OO has checked the place of the Flight Recorder in
the glider and how it is fixed to the glider. If it may be difficult to find an OO immediately before takeoff, or to
witness the landing, you should ask an OO to seal the FR to the glider, and this can be done at any time or date
before flight. See para 3 in the conditions of approval. Regarding the position of any ancillary displays connec-
ted to the FR, see para 2.1 in the Conditions of Approval which refers to sight-lines and the need for pilot loo-
kout and scan.
Takeoff - The pilot must ensure that the time and point of takeoff has been witnessed and recorded for compari-
son with that recorded by the GNSS FR, see para B1.2.
Connection to Ports. Although this approval does not presently require sealing of any ports or plugs, no attempt
must be made to pass unauthorised data into the FR. See paras 2.3 and 3 in the conditions of approval.
Use in Motor Gliders (including self-sustainers): The internal microphone and associated circuitry automatically
records an ENL (Engine Noise Level) value between 000 and 999 with each fix. The ENL system is automatical-
ly enabled and no pilot action is required. The FR should not be covered or insulated, although even so, auto-
matic gain should continue to ensure high ENL readings under power.
A6.1 Cockpit noise. Pilots should note that other cockpit noises will produce ENL readings, and avoid those
which could be mistaken for use of engine. Generally the frequency filtering built in to the FR will avoid any
problems, but it should be noted that sideslipping and/or flight at high speed with the cockpit Direct Vision (DV)
panel open can produce a low-frequency sound (organ pipe note) which will register as high ENL, as will spins
and stall buffet, particularly in Motor Gliders if the engine bay doors flutter. Flight close to powered aircraft