AE0ZP0EC - AC-0 SSL SENSORED - User Manual
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It is necessary to specify in the order the type of encoder used, in terms of
power supply, electronic output and n° of pulses for revolution, because
the logic unit must be set in the correct way by Zapi. The n° of pulses
revolution the controller can handle is given by the second-last letter in the
software release name (see 3.5).
4.2.6 Main
contactor and key connection
The connection of the main contactor can be carried out following the
drawing in Figure 4–1.
An intrinsic protection is present inside the logic when the voltage on the
battery power connection overtakes the battery nominal voltage more than a
certain percentage. Thank to this protection, it is allowed that the Main
Contactor (or an emergency switch) breaks the Battery positive in every
moment regardless of the state of the key (without this protection, if the Main
Contactor breaks when a regenerative braking is in progress, the rail
capacitor voltage increases and the overvoltage could damage the Power
Figure 4–1
4.2.7 Insulation of truck frame
As stated by EN-1175 “Safety of machinery – Industrial truck”, chapter 5.7,
“there shall be no electrical connection to the truck frame”. So the truck
frame has to be isolated from any electrical potential of the truck power
4.3 Protection and safety features
4.3.1 Protection
The AC-0 is protected against some controller injuries and malfunctions. These
Battery polarity inversion
It is necessary to fit a MAIN CONTACTOR to cut off the Battery Positive
connection to protect the inverter against reverse battery polarity and for