Oasis Record Enables Menu
Record Enables Menu
The record enable menu is where the 12 record tracks are
armed to record on Nomads primary card.
Arming Tracks
Clicking on a track will toggle between arming and disarming
the track. If the track was named and or assigned a color,
and that track is an ISO record track - meaning a single
source is routed to the track - that name and color will be
displayed in lieu of the track number. If multiple items are
routed to that track the track number will be displayed.
If a track has something routed to it, and it is not armed,
DISARMED will be displayed and it will not record.
If a track has something routed to it, and it is armed,
ARMED will be displayed and will record.
If a track has nothing routed to it that track will display NOT
ROUTED and will be grayed out and will not record.
If a track has nothing routed to it, and is armed,
(armed not routed) will be displayed and will record an
empty track.