450 Hardware Manual
Printer Maintenance
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2. Take a couple of paper towels and wipe down the two rails behind the gantry metal cover.
3. Assemble the grease gun that ships with your Accessories Kit according to the instructions. Before
attaching the grease nozzle, prime the grease gun into a paper towel until grease comes out.
4. Place the tip of the grease gun over the bearing located on top of the Gantry.
5. Squeeze the trigger until you see grease begin to come out of the relief hole (located just to the
front of the pulley belt) and
Do not over-grease.
6. Manually move the carriage back and forth several times across the rails to evenly distribute the
grease. Wipe away any excess grease you see coming out of the relief hole, on the bumpers, and
on the rails with a paper towel.
Best Practices:
Take a cotton swab and clean off any residue on the two bumpers located at either end of the
Clean the teeth of the pulley assemblies located at both ends of the pulley belt with the Pick
Tool that is included in your Accessories Kit.
7. Reset the Maintenance Counter in ZPrint.