Device Name
Please make a barcode that adds “BDLS” to the head of Device
Name which you want to set, and read it. (1-16 Digit)
Default : Z-3130BT
(For Example)
If you want to set the Device Name to
“ABC1234567890DEF”,please make “BDLSABC1234567890DEF”
B D L S A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 D E F
Remote Bluetooth Address
Please make a barcode that adds “BDRS” to the head of Bluetooth
Address which you want to connect, and read it. (12 Digits)
(For Example)
If you want to have them connect with the equipment which has
“000EA10419B5” Bluetooth Address, please make
“BDRS000EA10419B5” barcode.
B D R S 0 0 0 E A 1 0 4 1 9 B 5
System Reset
All configurations (include BT setting) return to factory default.
Return to Factory Default
End of Configuration
5.3 Parameter confirmation (BT communication)
Start of Configuration
End of Configuration
Bluetooth Role (BRO
Bluetooth Security (BSQ
Bluetooth Local Address (BAL
Bluetooth Local Device Name (BDL
Bluetooth Remote Address (BAR