If the battery is fully charged and the charging rate remains high, disconnect the lead from
"F" terminal of the regulator: if charging rate is high with engine at medium speed (1200
R.P.M.), the alternator field or field wire is grounded; if the output drops off, the regulator
is faulty, and should be checked for high voltage setting or internal grounding.
If the battery is low, and the charging rate is low, ground "F" terminal of the alternator
momentarily and increase speed: if output does not increase, alternator to regulator wiring
is faulty; if output increases the alternator is operating properly.
If the ammeter indicates a heavy discharge with engine off, or the alternator breaker off
when the master is on: the diodes in the alternator are shorted (repair or replace the
For procedures and specifications concerning testing and adjustment of the alternator and
voltage regulator, refer to manufacturer’s service manual.
CAUTION: If the battery terminals have been reversed, the alternator diodes have shorted
and need replacement.
The voltmeter indicates the level of the battery (11.5 or more volts, engine off and master
AMPMETER - Fig. 23
The amp meter is mounted in series with the battery and bus bar(s). It shows in (positive)
or out (negative) current to/from the battery.
With a charged battery, the ammeter should read near zero when the engine is running and
has recharged (3 to 5 minutes) the battery previously discharged by the starter current, and
no other loads are applied. (lights, radios, etc....off)
1 Sep 95