Every 25 hours
Check the general condition of the STOL CH 701 and in particular the following:
Verify that no cables are chafed, check for proper anchorage and attachment
of all items (fuel, coolant, and oil lines, electrics etc). Verify that all fasteners and pins have
the required safety.
Check for rust on
steel parts (clean and repaint as required). Lubricate all
moving parts (hinges, control attachments, bearings, etc). Verify that all controls operate
smoothly and that they are firmly attached.
Landing gear:
inspect nose gear, stops, bangee, control and inspect the main spring, wheel
forks and axles.
for correct tire pressure see picture. Check
the tire wear, rims, and braking system and lines.
Cabin interior:
Clean with household cleaners
according to the materials. Soap or detergent and
is not recommended for cleaning
upholstery since they could remove some of fire
retardant with which the seats may have been
Windshield and windows:
The windshield is a
single piece of polycarbonate plastic, highly resistant to impact. Clean with “Windex” as
the polycarbonate will
craze with most chemicals. Do not use gasoline, alcohol, oil,
lacquer, benzene, paint thinner, etc..... The optional protective windshield cover will protect
it from dust, sand and curious onlookers.
Check fluid level, especially in hot water. Maintain the level at the top level mark
by adding distilled water as required (read instructions located on battery). Do not overfill as
spillage may corrode the airframe.
Wood propellers are inexpensive and dampen vibrations efficiently, but
maintenance is required to keep the propeller in proper condition. The prop may need
periodic revarnishing. Check the tips and leading edges for damage. Look for nicks and
cracks. Inspect spinner, bolts (tight and secured). Wiping the propeller with an oily cloth
will result in cleaning off grass and bug, stains. Do not operate airplane in rain since the
wood propeller will get damaged.
Engine compartment:
Thoroughly check and inspect the engine compartment, including
the reduction gear unit, exhaust system, fuel system,
oil system and coolant system.
Remove and clean the carburetor bowls. Clean (replace if required) the carburetor air filter.
The engine and compartment
should be kept free of any accumulation of oil, grassm and
dirt to prevent a fire hazard. See Engine manual for more information.
Refer to engine manual - follow the recommended procedure by engine
Engine cowling:
Check for looseness, Dzus
fasteners, front pins and any damage or cracks.
Make sure it is properly secured.
Remove, clean, and re-install gascolator. Inspect for any leaks and loose fittings in
the lines and tank(s), and assure the smooth operation of shut-off valves. Clean (or
replace) any installed filters.