: Pause the simulation.
: Jump to the previous route event (manoeuvre).
: Tap to increase the speed of the simulation to 4, 8 or 16 times faster.
Tap again to return to normal speed.
5. Tap
to stop the simulation.
3.6 Off-road navigation
When first started, Z-N326 calculates routes using the road network of the maps provided
with the product. If you want to disregard roads during navigation, you can switch to off-road
mode, for example when driving in a desert.
3.6.1 Switching to off-road navigation
To switch to off-road navigation, perform the following steps:
1. On the Navigation view, tap
, and
2. Tap
and select
Most of the procedures described for on-road navigation also apply to off-road navigation.
However, there are some that are not available in this navigation mode. For example:
You cannot open the itinerary as you have no manoeuvres just route points and
straight lines between them.
There are no route alternatives and route planning method.
Vehicle settings are disabled.
3.6.2 Selecting the destination in off-road mode
Selecting a destination (waypoint or final destination) is the same as described in the previous
sections. The only difference is that route points are linked to form a route with straight lines
regardless of the road network and traffic regulations.
3.6.3 Navigating in off-road mode
The real difference between on-road and off-road modes is the navigation itself. When you
are on the Navigation view with an off-road route:
Your position and heading is not aligned to the nearest road.
There is no turn-by-turn navigation, just a recommended direction.