Use the Installer Menu to set up or change op-
erational settings. See descriptions of the In-
staller items on the following pages.
Installer’s menu items can be accessed by using
the optional LP702 installer’s remote control.
Just press and hold MENU (about 8 seconds) until
the display changes, then press 9, 8, 7, 6, then
ENTER. To exit the Installer’s Menu, press ENTER
again. Any changes you make will be stored in
nonvolatile memory.
The Installer’s menu opens with item 0-I,
INST. SEQ. Use the SELECT key to sequence
through the available menu items. Or, access an
item directly by entering the item number, then
pressing MENU. For example, to access the Sleep
Timer option which is item 15-I, press 1, 5,
then MENU. To change a setting use the Left/
Right ADJ keys.
Using the Installer’s Menu Items 0-I - 89-I are
accessible only in the Installer’s Menu. Their
numbers, descriptions, ranges, factory default
settings, and a place for listing any changes
made onsite are given below and on the following
pages. The Factory Menu that is intended for
qualified service technicians only, is not shown
(XX-F items). Normally Factory menu items do not
require adjustment.
UPN: 255-255-255-255
Typical Installers Menu
Detailed Descriptions of Installer Menu Items
0-I. INSTALLER SEQUENCE Gives access to In-
staller Menu depending on the code selected.
0 = 9876 1 = 4321
2 = 1478 3 = 3698
1-I. POWER MANAGE (Power Management)
Determines hours of no activity before auto-
matic shutoff. The POWER MANAGE function is for
saving energy. When set to 0, Power Manage is
OFF. Settings range from 0 - 7, with 1 - 7
representing the hours that the TV will remain
on, unless there has been activity from the
front control panel or remote control.
2-I. AC ON (AC Power Switchable)
Allows the TV to turn ON just by applying AC
power. Pressing the POWER button is not neces-
sary. This is desirable when the TV is plugged
into a cable box or a power outlet controlled by
a wall switch. Use ADJUST to select 0 or 1,
where 0 is the default is OFF, and 1 is ON.
NOTE: When set to 1 (ON), the TV does not re-
spond to POWER On/Off commands from either the
remote or the TV front control panel, and the
SLEEP TIMER is also nonfunctional.
3-I. BAND/AFC (Band/Automatic Frequency Control)
There are 8 possible settings for this option:
0 = Broadcast Fixed 4 = Broadcast AFC
5 = CATV Fixed 1 = CATV AFC
6 = HRC Fixed 2 = HRC AFC
7 = ICC Fixed 3 = ICC AFC
Channels are accessed faster when fixed modes
are used. The AFC (search modes) should only be
used when some channels are not on nominal fre-
NOTE: BAND is automatically set by AUTO PROGRAM.
If some channels were not found by AUTO PROGRAM,
select the appropriate AFC setting here and add
the channels using the ADD/DEL option in the
Setup Menu.
4-I. STRT CHANNEL (Start Channel)
When active, this function allows you to deter-
mine the initial channel number when the TV is
turned ON. This feature is useful for an in-
house information channel, since the TV would
always select that channel when it is turned on.
Setting this to 255 causes the last channel
viewed when TV was turned off to be the tuned to
channel when the TV is turned on again.
The range of values is 0 - 255. Use ADJ (adjust)
keys to choose numbers that determine the start
5-I. CHAN LOCK (Channel Lock)
CHAN LOCK is ideal if a cable box (or similar)
is the sole source for programming—and the TV
must always be on the same channel. Changing
channels with Channel Up/Down or keypad numbers
is impossible. Channel Lock is inactive when set
to 0 (default).
Generally, this feature is used in conjunction
with START CHANNEL (item 4-I.) where the start
channel may, for example, be set to 3 or 4. If
the start channel is 3, then the TV will remain
on channel 3. then the TV will remain on channel
3. NOTE: When CHANNEL LOCK is active and is
active and CHANNEL OVERIDE is disabled, AUTO
PROGRAM is not functional.
6-I. GHOST CH (Ghost Channel)
When set to 1, the current channel number is
displayed in the upper right corner of the CRT.
The number moves slightly to prevent damage to
the screen. The default is “0” or OFF. NOTE:
When captions are on, “Ghost Channel” is not