DALIBOX Broadcast 6CH/4CH
Soporte técnico:
Once the flashing function has been enabled, the “
[Ch] Flashing
” one-bit object will
turn visible in order to let triggering an On-Off-On… sequence by sending it the value
“1”, as well as interrupting it by sending it the value “0” The options for this function are
the following:
Figure 14.
On Duration
: sets the length of each “On” stage during the sequence, in the
range 1 to 255 seconds or minutes.
Off Duration
: sets the length of each “Off” stage during the sequence, in the
range 1 to 255 seconds or minutes.
: sets the number of iterations of the sequence, between 0 and
255. The value “0” (default option) causes an endless repetition, until an order
to interrupt the sequence is received.
On Value
: sets a specific dimming percentage (0% to 100%) to be applied to
the channel during the “On” stages.
Final Value
: sets a specific dimming value (0% to 100%) to be applied to the
channel after the last repetition or after the reception of one “0” through the
[Cx] Flashing
” communication object.
This feature allows defining different scenes (i.e., specific ambiances or dimming
sequences), which can be activated by sending the corresponding trigger values to a
one-byte object