Manual RHGSE Operation and Maintenance Manual ZOM-11000-2 v2 rev E
Zephyr International llc
Page 26 of 40 United States Patent # 7,429,031 B1
7.8) Chain and belt adjustments
Before making any adjustments remove the cover ,for the vertical belt and chain, by removing
the four screws and remove the load clutch assembly.
(see section 7.4)
Remove the load sell and clevis
assembly by removing the two bolts holding the load brake reaction plate to the heads. The capstan
heads are coupled by a capstan chain. The heads are adjustable on two threaded rods. To make any
adjustments to the chain or vertical drive belt, it requires the loosening and adjusting all of the ten (10)
nuts from the top of the upright assembly down. When making adjustments always loosen the large
nuts on the threaded rod from the top down and then tighten from the bottom up while checking the
belt or chain for proper tension. Insure the upright components are square to each other and the base
when completely tight.
Vertical belt
and chain cover
Screws (4)
Chain sprocket
Capstan drive
pulley upper
Capstan drive
pulley lower
Large nuts for threaded rod
Vertical Drive Belt
Load clutch assembly
(2) nuts to be adjusted
(4) nuts to be adjusted
(2) nuts to be adjusted
(only the 2 top nuts)