5. Knobs: Before installing any of the knobs, file off any plastic burrs around the edge and loosen
the set secrew. Turn all the pot shafts fully counterclockwise. Slip a knob onto the shaft of the
RATE pot (31). Align the white stripe on the knob with the counterclockwise line on the label.
While holding the knob off the surface of the chassis about 1/8” (3-4mm), tighten the knob set
screw. Test to see that the knob stripe lines up nicely with the label markings with the knob turned
to both extremes. Continue with the SPACING and HARMONIC MIX pots (32). Then move on to
the top row of pots (33,34).
That’s it!
You are done building your Quaverato Harmonic Tremolo Pedal. After you take a break (and I take a
nap), we’ll set up and calibrate the pedal, then finish assembling the chassis and start to jam.