8. Place the assembly face down on the table. While holding the grill cloth in its proper place, use
your staple gun to put one staple in the middle of each side of the frame. Make sure the staple is
right in the middle of the side in both directions (up/down and left/right).
9. Re-examine the assembly to make sure the grill cloth lines are still straight (use your speed
and check to make sure the back of the grill cloth is still tight against the face of the
frame. If so, proceed with placing staples around the outside. Start in the middle of each side and
move to the corners. Alternate sides with each staple. Make sure that all of the staples seat
completely, or the frame may not fit into the amp cabinet. If some of the staples need to be pushed
in further, you can use your channel locks to squeeze them in. Periodically check with your speed
square that the lines are remaining straight (in both directions). Don’t worry about getting the grill
cloth too tight on this step, just concern yourself with getting the lines straight. If you notice some
of the lines are going crooked pull out the necessary staples and start over. Take your time and
you will be pleased with the results.