The ORB Series has four sets of 1000 palettes.
A palette is a programming tool which allows you to define the values required in a fixture or group of fixtures to
create a particular affect on stage. For example, a palette can be stored for the colour Red which details the DMX
values required for each moving light to create a red colour. Likewise a palette can be stored for a position on the
stage, with the relevant Pan & Tilt information for each fixture in the rig.
Figure 19 - Palette Windows
Recording Palettes
Programming a palette is simple and very similar to recording a cue.
Set up the fixture outputs as required, ensuring that the correct parameters are tagged. To record the data as
a colour palette, enter the following command:
To record the data as a beamshape, position or effects palette, simply replace the COLOUR part of the above
command with BEAM, POSITION or EFFECTS.
Palette Windows
Each set of palettes has it’s own palette window. These palette windows are displayed on Monitor 2 by default.
The palette window contains a soft button for each of the 1000 palettes. These buttons can be clicked or pressed if
using a Touch screen to access a palette. Unprogrammed palettes are indicated by a * next to the number.