44 • Options - Special Louvered Shroud Design
Special Louvered Shroud Design (Cont.)
10. Install right side shroud with louvers onto the case end panel. Align the side shroud with the back of the case. Use 3 screws and fasten
to the top of the end panel. Attach 1 shroud supports to the side shroud and case. Note: It is recommended that there be two people
(one on each end) for installing the upper shroud supports (the narrow long metal pieces that are the length of the case).
11. Place left end of upper shroud support onto the case divider partition. Using 2 screws, fasten the right end of the upper shroud support
to the side shroud.
12. Using 2 screws at each end of the upper shroud support, fasten it to both case divider partitions. On the right side, you will end up
fastening both upper shroud supports to that case divider partition with those 2 screws.