ZEROTECH (Beijing) Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd.
Upgrade the aircraft system.
Quick Guide
DOBBY Quick Start Guide
, which may help you to learn to use.
Reset Novice Guide
Once again display the novice guide on the interfaces.
Available Storage
Check the available storage space on DOBBY. Please schedule your shooting progress according to the
available storage space and timely
clear DOBBY’s memory.
App Upgrade, Fault Report, Feedback, etc.
Media Library
When opening the media library, it will go to the photo gallery by default. Tap
the “Video” button at the
top of the screen to switch to the video gallery.
When you are connected
to DOBBY’s Wi-Fi, after you take photos the thumbnails will automatically be
sent to your mobile device. The photo gallery displays thumbnails in date order. Swipe up to load more
thumbnails and swipe down to load new thumbnails.
If a photo is already downloaded to your mobile device, a mobile phone icon will be added to the top
right hand corner of the thumbnail.