ZETA Music Systems, Inc.
ZMC-200 Manual Rev2.0
parallel to the hold preset. As soon as you press the hold pedal, the selected
track pattern will play on a separate MIDI channel. The pattern will be
repeated until you press the hold pedal two times quickly. Or you can set
the number of times that you want the sequence to be played. Choose one
track pattern of 1-8, that you want to play when you press the hold pedal, or
set this parameter to OFF. Please note that you can only use one of the two
sequence possibilities at a time: either SEQ TRACK or SEQ PATTERN.
Make sure the other one is set to OFF.
While you are editing HOLDMD: SEP…, HOLDMD: LAYER… and
HOLDMD: ARPEG…, it is possible to move directly to the parameter
settings for the Hold Presets when the Hold preset is in the display by
pressing the EDIT button. The first line of the display now shows the text:
ED: <Presetname>. Except for the Effect types, all parameters can be
edited normally. When you press the EXIT button, you are taken back to
where you were last. The display of the Hold preset name blinks until you
save your changes using the STORE button.
With this function, you have the ability to link your Hold pedal to any
MIDI controller you desire. When you press the hold pedal, the controller
value is set to its maximum value 127 (7Fh). As soon as you release the
pedal, the controller value 0 is sent. Controllers that work well with this
function are Sustain (64), Portamento (65). To get to the sub menu, press
the ENTER button to set the following parameters:
(CNTRL 0…119)
Choose the appropriate MIDI controller that will be set to its maximum
value (127) when you press the hold pedal. The function of the controller
will appear in text in your display.
(OFF, 1…32)
With the ZETA SYNTHONY II you have the option alongside the normal
Hold Preset, to set a drum pattern sequence )see UTILITY MODE, EDIT
SEQUENCE). As soon as you press the hold pedal, the selected drum
pattern will play on a separate MIDI channel. The pattern will be repeated
until you press the hold pedal two times quickly. Choose one drum pattern
of 1-32, that you want to play when you press the hold pedal, or set this
parameter to OFF.