It is possible to configure the display to display an un-scaled count (actual number of counts
before the scale factor is applied). It is possible to monitor both the scaled and un-scaled counts
simultaneously via the RS232 diagnostic display, and in the case of the 4 digit display it is
possible to swap the display between the scaled and un-scaled values with the display switches.
This enables the user to precisely monitor the detection of the change of state of each input.
The un-scaled count is reset to zero when the scaled count is reset to zero. The mode of operation
of the un-scaled count is the same as either the “Single Input Continuous” or “Dual Input
Quadrature Continuous” modes of counting, depending on whether a single input or quadrature
input mode is being used. That is, the unscaled count value is not signed.
The un-scaled count may rollover from 9999 to 0 (or 99 to 0 for the 2 digit counter), (or vice versa
in quadrature mode) before the scaled value, and may do so many times, depending on the scale
factor determined by the numerator and denominator. This means the user must keep track of
the number of rollovers if they wish to compare the scaled value to the un-scaled count. However,
the display of the un-scaled value always changes by 1 in the correct direction for each edge
transition (except when rolling over). Also, a given number of counts in either direction will
always display the same un-scaled value.
Scaled operation modes may be selected as either Rounded or Truncated. This determines how
the displayed value is determined after scaling.
The rounding mode, overflow mode and absolute zero mode configuration all affect the system’s
operation and display.