Command Description
All the following commands should be followed by carriage return on the keyboard.
Starts the RS232 Diagnostics & Command Console:
User password.
Changes the baud rate of the serial port to 2400 bits per second. No change occurs until there is a
power cycle on the system, or the “powercycle” command is issued.
Changes the baud rate of the serial port to 4800 bits per second. No change occurs until there is a
power cycle on the system, or the “powercycle” command is issued.
Changes the baud rate of the serial port to 9600 bits per second. No change occurs until there is a
power cycle on the system, or the “powercycle” command is issued.
Changes the baud rate of the serial port to 19,200 bits per second. No change occurs until there is
a power cycle on the system, or the “powercycle” command is issued.
Changes the baud rate of the serial port to 38,400 bits per second. No change occurs until there is
a power cycle on the system, or the “powercycle” command is issued.
Changes the baud rate of the serial port to 57,600 bits per second. No change occurs until there is
a power cycle on the system, or the ‘powercycle’ command is issued.
Changes the baud rate of the serial port to 115,200 bits per second. No change occurs until there
is a power cycle on the system, or the ‘powercycle’ command is issued.
Sets the display value to bipolar mode where decreasing the count through zero results in a small
negative value which increases in magnitude.
Disables the Deep Sleep mode.
Enables the Deep Sleep mode.
This command enables the “RS232 DATA LOOP BACK ZERO” function. The RS232 data output
from pin 1 (5 way connector) is fed back into the data input pin 2 and a comparison carried out. If
there is no difference between them (which is to be expected), then the Zeroing of the Display
This command disables the display of absolute zero or ‘TDC’.
If the Light Sensor is enabled by the hardware link ‘link A’, issuing this command will disable the
Light Sensor which will ensure that the unit never enters the very low power mode when the
presence of light is not detected, and the display will remain on until the battery is exhausted.