An output is provided for supervisory takeover control. In an emergency situation a
supervisory operator can cut off other remotes to seize immediate control of the system.
The remote used by this supervisor would be wired in the system such that, electrically
speaking, it was the closest remote in the system to the base station termination panel. The
output on the deskset is an open-drain FET that can be used to operate an external, user-
supplied relay. When operated, this relay would be used to break the connection to the
other remotes in the system, and would supply the needed 600
termination to the line.
Call Decoder
The call decoder feature works in conjunction with a Zetron HEAR Decoder and allows
field radios to alert a specific remote or group of remotes. This is useful for cases where
the remote operators wish to hear only those transmissions intended for themselves and
not hear all traffic on the channel. When an incoming call is decoded, the alerted remote
(or remotes) will unmute audio, flash an LED, and (optionally) send an audible alert tone
out the speaker.