Please abide by the relevant regulations and laws in your state or country. The
user is fully responsible for the illegal use according to local laws.
The working time becomes shorter with increase of the use time. Please charge
the battery fully before using when the product is in long-time storage.
File safety
The product is not a professional storage device, does not guarantee the
completeness and safety of the stored files. Please back up your important files
on the computer or other storage devices timely.
Video quality
The product is not a professional video device, it does not guarantee the same
effect of the user’s perception.
Working humidity
Avoid the humid working environments, the product is not waterproof.
Shoot illumination
Please shoot in an environment with enough illumination, don’t point the lens
towards the sun as this can damage the sensor.
Cleaning requirements
Please don’t use the product in the high dusty environment, against dusty winds
to the camera lens and other components. Please clean the camera lens with
fine cloth gently.
Please avoid the strong impact. Please don’t use the product in strong magnetic
or electric fields.