Getting Started
Important Note: The ZT 8809A CPU uses an 82C84A or
82C84B as the clock generator.
The following special
considerations should be observed regarding the +5 VDC
power supply:
The +5 VDC power supply should never have a rise
time faster than 1 V per millisecond.
Use switcher-type power supplies if possible because
their turn-on times are generally slower than linear
power supplies.
If the above recommendations are not observed,
82C84A/B may cause erratic behavior or the system may fail
to operate upon power-up (this problem is characterized by
the 82C84’s oscillator starting up at the third overtone of the
crystal installed).
Ziatech’s power supplies are switcher
designs and do not induce oscillator instabilities. For further
refer to Intel’s Microsystems Components
Handbook, 1985, Volume I, page 3-238, under "Oscillator."