Z.I.P.P.E.R Maschinen Austria
Seite 28
Gartenhäcksler / Garden Shredder ZI-GHA2600
Fig. 2
Engine Start / Stopp
Start the engine, if you have your garden shredder mounted correctly:
WARNING! Keep hands away from rotating parts.
Turn on
Press the green button ˝ I ˝ to turn the shredder
Turn off
Press the red button ˝O˝ to turn off.
This machine is equipped with an electromagnetic switch, so they do not unexpect-
edly turns on when the power is interrupted and restored. To restore power, press the
green button again
Direction of rotation selector switch
Caution! The reverse switch can only be operated when the chopper is turned off.
Position A
(Fig. 2 A)
The selector switch is in position A. The chopping blade will now collect the material and shred
it. Factory, the switch is in position A.
Position B
(Fig. 2 B)
The chopper blade is jammed so that the engine can not run, first press the red button the
Power button to turn off the engine. Then press the reverse button completely to the left posi-
tion B and press the power button (the green button). Press and hold the green button the
power switch. The chopping blade will now turn back and release the material so that you can
remove it. When you release the power button, the shredder will stop automatically.