Note that ski ends at transom, not overhang.
Holes center punched for turn fin screws.
Holes drilled in sponson for turn fin.
Using 30 minute epoxy, seal the bottom of the
tub in the area of the ski, and epoxy the ski in
place. Be sure that the inside of the ski is sealed
with epoxy.
Tape and weight the ski, check alignment, and
allow to cure.
Turn Fin
The turn fin is a critical part of the handling of the
JAE gas outrigger.
Take the time to get this correct, as the number
one reason the boat does something stupid is the
turn fin.
Check to see if the fin is flat (front to rear). The
rolling process can induce a slight “cupping” of
the fin. If you find this, file or block sand until it is
Sharpen the outside (RH) of the turn fin.
Make a bevel at least 3/8 inch wide along the
front and bottom of the fin.