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In case the fuel transport auger should be supported, the an
option should be utilized – a telescopic support, which could
support the weight of the auger and the length could be adjusted
in order to achieve the required installation angle and the overall
stability of the auger;
Figure 3.5.
Side view of the auger support telescopic element –
option of the kit of the pellet burner of series “GP”;
Specific design measures in order to increase the safety operation of
the burner
The ignition and the combustion process is monitored by microprocessor
control board;
The ignition process is monitored and in case that the fuel is not ignited
for some reason, after certain number of ignition trials, the operation of
the burner is stopped and alarm mode is indicated;
In case that fuel is consumed from the hopper, than after the defined
number of ignition trials the burner will go out in
mode and alarm is
indicated as well;
The flexible hose, which connects the fuel transport auger with the main
unit, is transparent and is made of specific heat resistant material;
Information stickers are applied, indicating certain precautions measures
and correct operation of the unit;
The burner is equipped with safety elements, which are involved in „back
fire” protection system:
Free falling duct, which practically interrupts the fuel flow between
the transport auger and the main module. This duct is
approximately 250mm long. Beside that, the fuel auger is
connected to the main unit by a flexible hose, which does not
contain fuel. The grate of the burner is however charged with