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and thus to decrease the chance to release volatile gases out of the
chamber and to gasify the boiler’s room;
The fuel should be arranged in the fuel hopper chamber in longitudinal
way (along the axis of the burner’s orifice), by taking care not to block
the orifice of the burner and to allow easy volatile gases extraction to
the combustion chamber;
At wood logs arrangement, take care not to block the door – it should
be closed without any difficulty;
In case the fuel hopper chamber is charged with material of different
type, then the particles that have higher moisture content and/or
particles with high size, should be arranged in the center of the
chamber, while smaller particles, or even better – relatively drier
should be arranged at the side zone of the chamber. This approach
allows prevention of fuel bridging right above the burner’s nozzle and
consequently blockage of the nozzle, which could lead do sensible
decrease of the thermal capacity of the boiler;
The practice shows that approximately half an hour from the fuel hopper
with wood logs, the nominal operating parameters of the boiler are
reached as well as the boiler’s thermal capacity. After this period, the
boiler will operate at nominal parameters for a long period of time (the
range is hours, see the table for the operating parameters of the boiler) –
this period greatly depends on the energy consumption and the
parameters of the raw fuel;
When the set-point of the temperature of the circulating water is reached,
the fuel gas fan will be switched off and the boiler soon will go into
“stand-by” mode. In this mode the fuel consumption rate is decreased, as
well as the thermal capacity of the boiler. The practice shows that the
typical thermal capacity of the boiler in “stand-by” mode is
approximately 10% of the nominal thermal load of the boiler. In this
mode small amount of air is entering the boiler and sustains the char
oxidation in order to keep the boiler in so called “ready-to-operate”
Adjustment of the operating parameters of the boiler.
The combustion process should be adjusted at nominal operating
conditions, in order to achieve efficient and optimal fuel utilization, It is highly
recommended to make the adjustment of the combustion process by flue gas