• Do not apply blood to the flat side of the test strip.
• Do not apply blood to the test strip when the test strip is out of the meter.
• Do not put blood or foreign objects into the meter.
Warning: Drying agents in the test strip vial may be harmful if inhaled or swallowed and may irritate skin and eyes.
2. Remove test strip from vial.
3. Insert test strip to turn meter on. Press m to turn meter on if it does not turn on upon insertion
of test strip.
If the meter does not turn on, go to Troubleshooting section.
If you are using the AlphaTrak 3 meter for the first time, it will ask you to confirm the
species code (dog or cat). To do so, insert the Code Strip attached to the test strip vial.
4. Set Species (using Code Strip)
• Insert Code Strip