906-0731-01-05 Rev. C
Cycle Off % Parameter
The ZOLL Ventilator transitions from inspiratory to expiratory phase when the flow drops
below a set percentage of the peak flow.
You can adjust the Cycle % value t account for patient leaks.
The longest duration of a spontaneous breath is 5 seconds. At the end of this time, the
ventilator ends flow and opens the exhalation valve.
Clinicians must carefully assess the patient's response when applying the adjusted % -- you
must adjust the % value carefully to optimize patient ventilatory support and comfort.
The Cycle Off % parameter is principally for noninvasive modes where a much higher setting
is required to cycle the breath properly in the presence of a leak. If a higher value is not used
and there is a leak, the system tends to time cycle at 5 seconds instead of flow cycle (if the leak
flow is higher than 25% of the peak flow, the cycle threshold is never crossed.)
If there is no leak, increasing the Cycle Off % parameter causes breaths to cycle sooner, and
deliver less volume. If you set the Cycle Off % parameter too high, the breath ends early
relative to patient effort, which may lead to the triggering of a second breath.
Spont Ti Limit Parameter
The Spont Ti Limit parameter provides an additional method to operate the delivery of breaths
and maximize patient comfort.
Manual Breath/Plateau Pressure Button
The Manual Breath/Plateau Pressure button delivers a breath only if pressed during the
expiratory phase when the airway pressure drops to the PEEP target.
In AC and SIMV, pressing the Manual Breath/Plateau Pressure button delivers a breath defined
by the settings.
In CPAP and BL, pressing the Manual Breath/Plateau Pressure button delivers a breath defined
by Apnea Back-Up settings.
Press and hold
the Manual Breath/Plateau Pressure button to perform a plateau pressure