When all wiring is completed to the dampers and the gas electric/heat
pump unit, the following tests should be made:
Disconnect the
wire from the Switching Center.
Check to be sure that there is 24 volt power between
TR1 & TR2
Set all thermostat switches to the OFF position.
Set the Switching Center in the HEAT mode.
Set the Switching Center ON/OFF switch to ON.
The green call light should be off at the Switching Center. If it is on, there
is a thermostat calling or the
wire is shorted.
Check all of the thermostats, if they are off, remove the
from the Switching Center. The green light should go off. If it
does, find the short in the five wire link before re-connecting it. If
the green light does not turn on, test each thermostat, one at a
time. Turn on one thermostat, set it to call for heating, and the
green light on the Switching Center should turn on. When you set
this same thermostat for no heat, the green light at the Switching
Center should turn off. Test each thermostat in this manner to
be sure all thermostats are properly wired.
Now, set the Switching Center in the COOL mode.
If the green light turns on with all thermostats off, there is a short in the
wire. Correct the problem before proceeding.
Repeat the test of each thermostat in the cool mode. When a thermostat
is calling, the green call light will turn on. Turning this thermostat off will
turn off the green call light at the Switching Center.
Turn the ON/OFF switch off and reconnect the
wire. Be sure that all
thermostats are off. Turn the ON/OFF switch ON. Decide if you want to
test the heating or cooling system and set the HEAT/COOL switch to the
desired position.
If you have set the switch to COOL, set one thermostat to call for cooling.
The green light will turn on and the cooling system compressor and
indoor fan will turn on. If it does not, check wiring between the Switch-
ing Center and the unit.
If you have set the switch to HEAT, set one thermostat to call for heat. The
green light will turn on and the furnace should start. The fan will start
when the time delay or bonnet control turns it on. If the system does not
turn on, check the wiring between the Switching Center and the furnace.
The Switching Center controls the furnace and air conditioner with relay
contacts. The Switching Centers R,Y,W&G terminals operate exactly like
a four wire thermostat. Trouble shooting the heating and air condition-
ing equipment should be handled as though the Switching Center is a
four wire thermostat.
Check that the fuse on the SYHPA has not blown. If it has, check for
shorts on the
wires on the five wire link and replace the
1/10 amp fuse.
Turn the POWER switch on the SYHPA and SYCAP OFF: Check all
thermostats to be sure that they are off. Reconnect the
wire at the SYHPA.
Check to be sure that the O/B jumper on the SYHPA is in the correct
position for the heat pump. Turn the POWER switch on the SYHPA to ON.
To test the COOL mode, set the HEAT/COOL switch on the SYHPA to the
COOL position. Set only one thermostat to call for cooling. The green
call light on the SYHPA should turn on and the compressor will run. The
indoor fan will start with the compressor. If the compressor or fan do
not start, check the wiring between the SYHPA and the Heat Pump.
To test the HEAT mode, turn the POWER switch on the SYHPA to OFF.
Turn all thermostats off. Set the MODE switch on the SYHPA to HEAT and
then turn the POWER switch ON. Set one thermostat to call for heat. The
green call light will turn on at the SYHPA and the compressor will turn on
in the heat mode. The fan will turn on with the compressor. If the
fan or compressor does not turn on, check the wiring.
When yellow DL2 is lit, there is a heat pump compressor failure (if “L”
terminal has been wired).
When the “EM HT” switch is set to ON, the SYHPA will never power the
“Y” or “G” terminal and will power the “E” terminal during a call. While
the “EM HT” switch is set to ON, the red light labeled DL3 will turn on if
there is a call. To test the Auxiliary/Electric heat, see the unit manufac-
turers wiring diagrams and instructions.
SYCAP and Auxiliary/Electric Heat
To test the Auxiliary/Electric heat, turn the SYCAP switch ON. If the dis-
play begins to toggle between “E” and “157”, the factory installed tem-
perature sensor or its wiring to terminals ± is open. If the display toggles
between “E” and “32”, the temperature sensor is shorted. Check con-
ne and – and the wire holding the sensor in the plenum for shorts.
During normal startup the supply air temperature should be displayed.
Unless modified at this time, the SYCAP will operate at factory cut-out
setpoints of 118 degrees F. for heat and 48 degrees F. for cooling. To
modify these cut-out setpoints see “Determine the existing cut-out set-
points on a CAP” in the Capacity Control section of this manual.
To test the Auxiliary/Electric heat disconnect the Y wire at the SYCAP or
SYHPA. Set one stat to call for heat. If the supply air temperature is below
the electric heat cut-in setpoint, and after a four minute time delay, DL2
and the Auxiliary/Electric heat will turn on.
After testing the SYCAP, replace the Y wire for proper heat pump operation.
At temperatures below 38°F and above 125°F (heat pumps), the
display will toggle between “E” and the supply duct temperature. This is
normal operation and provisions have been made to allow the heating and
cooling to operate.