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3 Unpacking Inspection
This part describes:
Unpacking of the BTS equipment;
Inspection of the BTS equipment.
3.1 Checking the Goods against the Packing List
1. Check the Delivery Checklist of ZTE Corporation.
2. Unpacking inspection is conducted by the Project Supervising Committee and
representatives from the user. First, check the total number of goods, the
intactness of the packing boxes, and check whether the arrival place is the actual
installation place against the packing list number attached to the packing boxes;
3. If the goods are intact, unpack and inspect the goods. There should be a packing
list in each box, and the engineering supervisor should check the goods against
the packing list. The Unpacking Inspection Report is placed in the packing box
numbered 1#. First open the 1# packing box and take out the Unpacking
Inspection Report. Check the total number of the goods against the inspection
list and record it for filing.
4. During the unpacking inspection process, if there is any short and wrong
shipment or goods damage, you should contact the ZTE headquarters.
5. The packing boxes of ZTE comprise two types: wooden box and carton. Use
different tools to open the boxes accordingly on the site.
The ZXC10-BTSB I2 equipment is relatively expensive. During transportation, it
should be well packaged, with clear waterproof and quake-resistant marks. Handle the
equipment with care and protect it from sunshine and rain.