ZXR10 T8000 Hardware Installation Guide (Cluster)
When pasting labels for cables and fiber pigtails, wrap the cable in the middle of the
label; fold the paper in half to affix the paste surfaces together. Fold the paper neatly
so that the white paste surface is invisible.
After label pasting, fix the root part of the two pasting surfaces by folding back and
forth or by pressing, to prevent the label from loosening apart.
B.1.3 Equipment Labels
ODF Frame
Make labels according to the specific shape and dimension of the ODF label tag. Print and
paste the label.
Label content includes ODF equipment ID, module ID, ODF port ID, opposite-office
equipment ID, the corresponding local equipment ID, subrack ID, optical line board slot
ID, port ID and transmit/receive relationship.
DDF Frame
Make labels according to the specific shape and dimension of the DDF label tag. Print and
paste the label.
Label content includes DDF equipment ID, module ID, DDF port ID, opposite-office
equipment ID, the corresponding local equipment ID, subrack ID, optical line board slot
ID, port ID and transmit/receive relationship.
B.2 Knife-shaped Label
B.2.1 Label Shape and Paste Position
After cable installation, mark each cable end with a cable label. The label uses ZTE
dedicated label, as shown in
Figure B-1
The label should be pasted 1 cm~2 cm away from the cable connector, as shown in
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